The Stampin’ Up! 2021-2022 Annual Catalog Retiring Product List has been released. There were so many classic favorites in the Catalog that are leaving our inventory. Click on the banner below to download a PDF of all the retiring products. If there’s a favorite among them, don’t hesitate. These products are only available while supplies last.
Stampin’ Up! discounted many of the retiring products up to 50%. If you have a favorite among them, definitely don’t hesitate! You can click on each image below for all the discounted product details.
Sale: $13.20
Price: $22.00
Sale: $13.60
Price: $17.00
Sale: $14.40
Price: $18.00
Sale: $10.50
Price: $21.00
Sale: $16.80
Price: $21.00
Sale: $18.40
Price: $23.00
Sale: $13.60
Price: $17.00
Sale: $15.00
Price: $30.00
Sale: $12.00
Price: $15.00
Sale: $12.60
Price: $21.00
Sale: $14.40
Price: $18.00
Sale: $12.80
Price: $16.00
Sale: $14.40
Price: $18.00
Sale: $18.40
Price: $23.00
Sale: $14.40
Price: $18.00
Sale: $11.50
Price: $23.00
Sale: $11.50
Price: $23.00
Sale: $14.40
Price: $18.00
Sale: $10.80
Price: $18.00
Sale: $14.40
Price: $18.00
Sale: $12.00
Price: $20.00
Sale: $10.80
Price: $18.00
Sale: $14.40
Price: $18.00
Sale: $19.80
Price: $33.00
Sale: $27.00
Price: $45.00
Sale: $23.20
Price: $29.00
Sale: $20.00
Price: $25.00
Sale: $23.20
Price: $29.00
Sale: $19.20
Price: $32.00
Sale: $25.60
Price: $32.00
Sale: $27.20
Price: $34.00
Sale: $20.80
Price: $26.00
Sale: $18.40
Price: $23.00
Sale: $18.00
Price: $36.00
Sale: $17.50
Price: $35.00
Sale: $15.50
Price: $31.00
Sale: $20.40
Price: $34.00
Sale: $15.50
Price: $31.00
Sale: $17.50
Price: $35.00
Sale: $13.50
Price: $27.00
Sale: $21.00
Price: $35.00
Sale: $28.80
Price: $36.00
Sale: $19.00
Price: $38.00
Sale: $17.40
Price: $29.00
Sale: $27.20
Price: $34.00
Sale: $20.00
Price: $40.00
Sale: $11.50
Price: $23.00
Sale: $29.60
Price: $37.00
Sale: $14.50
Price: $29.00
Sale: $27.20
Price: $34.00
Sale: $25.60
Price: $32.00
Sale: $27.20
Price: $34.00
Sale: $28.00
Price: $35.00
Sale: $18.50
Price: $37.00
Sale: $30.40
Price: $38.00
Sale: $24.80
Price: $31.00
Sale: $17.50
Price: $35.00
Sale: $16.00
Price: $32.00
Ho0pe you enjoy browsing the sale products and Last Chance Products. Again, if there’s anything you’ve been thinking about purchasing and it’s available for sale, now’s the time. The products are only available until supplies last.
… remember, the only limitation is your imagination!