Fall Layers!

There's a chill in the air today.  Fall has arrived for sure.  I dressed in layers when I went out for my walk and thought of that when I was deciding what to name this post.  There are scallops of beautiful fall colors layered to create the ...

Thanks From The Heart

 Another sweet thank you.  I made this card for my very first Pals Challenge and followed the design theme to the letter.  Since then, I change them up a bit.   This card took a little time because of the measurement requirements, but the pretty ...

They’re Not Really Ghoulish!

Just too cute!  They really put a smile on my face.  I began getting these ready for the special Trick or Treaters in my neighborhood and thought I would use one in my blog post, but as I was stamping the tags, I couldn't resist putting all three Googlies together ...

A Scary Spider!

He's not scary, I think he's really cute!  He's looking for his web and I'm sure he'll find it.I really liked the Pals Paper Arts Design Challenge #143 and used that template for this card.  It's such a simple and versatile design, and the card truly is "Quick ...

Scallops and Squares!

Scallops, circles and squares, lots of layering, and some pretty embellishments create such a clean fun gift card for someone special.   I thought about creating something for "fall", but just couldn't resist using the new Stampin' ...

It’s Golden Delicious!

I had so much fun making this card.  It's a great one to welcome a new neighbor, or just to say "Hi!"  The apples are definitely crisp golden delicious and make a pretty presentation inside the mason jar. I used the Perfectly Preserved stamp set and matching ...

A Patio Party for Lia!

I made this card for my great niece, Lia.    She is also my Stampin' buddy.  She loves to make beautiful cards and is very quick to create her themes.  Her sister, Sara, is more deliberate and takes her time creating her theme and ...

Debbie Crowley Profile Photo
I am Debbie Crowley and welcome to my blog. Here you'll find fun projects that are sure to inspire you. I hope you'll stop
by often and leave a comment or two. To contact me, you can email me at: expressivelydeb@gmail.com

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The content of this blog is the sole responsibility of Debra Crowley, expressively deb.com, as an Independent Stampin' Up! Demonstrator. The use of and content of classes, services or products offered is not endorsed by Stampin' Up!